Taicang German Technician Training Center (DAWT)

A German dual system of vocational training

Taicang German Technician Training Center (DAWT)

You will find that the conditions are in place for first-class training. Modern trainee workshops, progressive working technology and highly motivated instructors, foremen and other colleagues from whom you can learn a great deal. We encourage you to work independently, even during your training. You will be trained in your job by dividing your time between practical experience and DAWT.

The training area is located in the workshop, bringing our DAWT trainees into the production environment where they can get a feel for the company culture and atmosphere. DAWT sets aside more than half its time for practical work, with more time for practical training creating strong practical abilities. It provides long-term guidance from expert German consultants, the contents of our profession are closely aligned with the requirements of the company and completion of AHK requirements, so our trainees have the skills demanded by the company’s requirements.